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Sothia Chhoeum
Happy Birthday Wayne Kramer
- Sothia Chhoeum (10 months ago)
Matt Pinfield
Happy Belated Birthday to Brother Wayne Kramer! (It was yesterday) Here in the studio with 2 of the greatest guitar
- Matt Pinfield (10 months ago)
Rick Friel
Happy Birthday Wayne Kramer!
- Rick Friel (10 months ago)
The Dude
Happy Birthday Wayne Kramer! guitarist/singer/songwriter/producer 4/30/1948
- The Dude (10 months ago)
Michael Daly
Happy 75th Birthday Wayne Kramer, one half of the greatest twin guitar attack in rock & roll. For a few short years
- Michael Daly (10 months ago)
Simon Harper
Happy 75th birthday to Wayne Kramer! You can study history and learn from history, but then you have to move forwa
- Simon Harper (10 months ago)
KEZ O)))
Happy birthday WAYNE KRAMER!!
(April 30, 1948)
- KEZ O))) (10 months ago)
Happy Birthday Wayne Kramer born on April 30, 1948. He is an American guitarist, singer, songwriter.
- BostonJeff60 (10 months ago)
Raylene - Undercover Indie ®
Please join us here at in wishing Wayne Kramer (American Guitarist, bassist, vocalist, songwriter,
- Raylene - Undercover Indie ® (10 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Wayne Kramer of MC5, born in Detroit, MI on this day in 1948.
- SentimentalStrings (10 months ago)
Keener 13
Happy Birthday to:
1923 Al Lewis - Grandpa Munster (d. 2006)
1925 Johnny Horton (d. 1960)
1926 Cloris Leac
- Keener 13 (10 months ago)
Daily noise that works faster than any stimulant.µ
Today: Celebrating the 75th birthday
- TURN UP THE VOLUME (BLOG) #FreeUkraine (10 months ago)
Kick out the jams motherfuckers... Happy birthday to Wayne Kramer
- TAFKAMacM (10 months ago)