Comrades -
The NRA was started with GOVERNMENT FUNDING to help promote marksmanship among union sol
- Tim Tagaris (2 months ago)
Corbin Lambeth
The spent millions trying to keep loser in office, while membership plummeted, its legal fees
- Corbin Lambeth (2 months ago)
Shannon Watts
The NRA and its CEO Wayne LaPierre are or have been under investigation by Congress, state lawmakers and the IRS fo
- Shannon Watts (2 months ago)
North Trenton
And Happy Birthday to Margaret Rhea Seddon, Lewis Yocum (d. 2013), Dale Gardner (d. 2014), Wayne LaPierre and Bonnie Raitt.
- North Trenton (3 months ago)
Kris Brown | President,
Happy birthday, Wayne LaPierre! Years ago, joined in passing the Brady Bill & assault weapons
- Kris Brown | President, (3 months ago)
Jeff Carter
I have just one thing to say besides Happy Birthday NRA... Fire Wayne LaPierre please...
- Jeff Carter (2 months ago)
Felonious Punk
Yeah - Happy Birthday - And a shout-out for directing NRA membership dues to give Wayne LaPierre a FIFTY SEVEN
- Felonious Punk (2 months ago)
Happy birthday to Wayne LaPierre. I hope his party is just as fun as all the parties all those dead Sandy Hook kids won\'t get to have.
- charlie (3 months ago)
Happy bday Wayne LaPierre
- Patriotsville (3 months ago)
Happy birthday to NRA executive Wayne LaPierre (November 8,1949), author of Guns, Freedom, and Terrorism (2003) et al.
- Book_Addict (3 months ago)
Richard Marshall
65th birthday of NRA leader Wayne LaPierre / Nutjob won't be happy until he sees guns everywhere.
- Richard Marshall (3 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Wayne Lapierre will celebrate his 77 years old birthday in 9 months and 0 day! Send your greetings to him now!