Happy Birthday Miss Wendee Lee!
- Nicholas Washington (2 weeks ago)
Luckywaterheart (home)
happy birthday to one of my favorite voice actors Wendee lee.
- Luckywaterheart (home) (2 weeks ago)
Luckywaterheart (sleeping)
happy birthday to one of my favorite voice actors Wendee lee.
- Luckywaterheart (sleeping) (2 weeks ago)
Sudden but Inevitable
Whoa, Wendee Lee\'s birthday is in Fayebruary!? That\'s amazing! Happy birthday
- Sudden but Inevitable (2 weeks ago)
Right Stuf Anime
Join us in wishing Wendee Lee a happy birthday! Her voice is iconic to say the least with voicing characters lik
- Right Stuf Anime (2 weeks ago)
Sega Kuro
Happy Birthday wendee Lee!!!
- Sega Kuro (2 weeks ago)
Happy birthday TV Actress Wendee Lee! Happy Birthday! I m sending you this ironic birthday wish because I know you
- AllFamous.org (2 weeks ago)
Tribunal of the Grid
Happy Birthday goes out to the beautiful Wendee Lee, known to us as the voice of Scorpina from Mighty Morphin Power
- Tribunal of the Grid (2 weeks ago)
Happy birthday to Wendee Lee!
- Ian Matthias Kong:READ PINNED TWEET PLS. (2 weeks ago)