Happy birthday, tanjoubi omedetou, bonne anniversaire and Laa Ruggery, Ms Harmer!
- Floyd the K (3 months ago)
Tam o\' Shanter
Yeah, happy birthday for yesterday!
- Tam o\' Shanter (3 months ago)
Coalition Tea Lady
Wow! - Wendy - Happy Birthday ...!!!!
(from the tea ladies!)
- Coalition Tea Lady (3 months ago)
Cam Scythe
Happy Birthday to &
- Cam Scythe (3 months ago)
Nicole Richards
HAPPY BIRTHDAY I\'ll be doing the same on Monday 18 yo told me she\'s too busy to be worried about it...
- Nicole Richards (3 months ago)
Bernard Curran
Happy 60th birthday Wendy.
- Bernard Curran (3 months ago)
Neil McMahon
Wishing a very happy birthday to who remains ... essential. (And like all former Sun News-Pic cadets, she\'s aged well.) x
- Neil McMahon (3 months ago)
Happy Birthday!!!
- Amanda (3 months ago)
Are We There Yet?
Aaaaw.... here*...Good on yer Mum...Great big fat Happy Birthday wishes & lotsa sloppy XXs to you
- Are We There Yet? (3 months ago)
Happy Birthday Wendy ...the bonus is after 60 you care even less what people think.
- Sandra (3 months ago)
Miriam Cosic
Happy birthday, Wendy! A good bottle of champagne with good Chinese could be pretty celebratory.
- Miriam Cosic (3 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Wendy Harmer will celebrate her 70 years old birthday in 8 months and 9 days! Send your greetings to her now!
Australian writer and radio host who wrote a number of humorous "chick lit" books. Her best-known works include It's a Joke, Joyce, published in 1989, and Roadside Sisters, published in 2009.