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Soccerdawgs #Resist #CloseTheCamps #ArrestThemAll
Wilford Brimley always brings his A game. He has played so many roles from friendly to menacing and h
- Soccerdawgs #Resist #CloseTheCamps #ArrestThemAll (5 months ago)
Squeamy Ellis
Very happy birthday wishes! I was very startled when I realized Wilford Brimley was 51 years o
- Squeamy Ellis (5 months ago)
Kenn Hoekstra
Happy 85th birthday Wilford Brimley ( I hope your birthday is a blast!
- Kenn Hoekstra (5 months ago)
Class. Movie Reviews
Happy Birthday to Wilford Brimley born 9/27/1934
- Class. Movie Reviews (5 months ago)
Robert James
Happy Birthday Wilford Brimley
and me
- Robert James (5 months ago)
Happy birthday to Wilford Brimley from THE THING (1982), COCOON, and HARD TARGET.
Yay we get to use the Brimley a
- Night Of The Horrorphile podcast (5 months ago)
Happy birthday to actor Wilford Brimley!
- keyn1037 (5 months ago)
Happy 85th Birthday to he played hermit Noa Briqualon in
- GMasterGMarek08 (5 months ago)
Joe Bob Briggs Fanzine
He looks like Wilford Brimley. You should teach him how to say, Dia-beetus. Happy birthday, Mr. Shackle
- Joe Bob Briggs Fanzine (6 months ago)
Kracker Jones
Happy birthday Avril Lavigne (34) Gwyneth Paltrow(46)Meat Loaf(71) Wilford Brimley(84)Randy Bachman(75)Brad Arnold(
- Kracker Jones (5 months ago)
Happy Birthday, MM. Feel good! You share a birthday with Wilford Brimley, Shaun Cassidy and Meat Loaf.
- Eric (5 months ago)
spacewoman reporter
Happy Birthday
Wilford Brimley September 27, 1934 (84)
Brimley appeared in many notable films including Th
- spacewoman reporter (5 months ago)
\"There\'s nothing wrong with me, and if there was I\'m all better now. I\'d like to come back inside\"
HL wishes a VER
- Halloween Love (5 months ago)
Scott Mair
Happy birthday to Wilford Brimley soldier spokesman and inspiration for the disabled. Also a former M
- Scott Mair (5 months ago)
Lee Ellenberg
Happy birthday, Wilford Brimley!
- Lee Ellenberg (5 months ago)
Ryan Noel
Happy birthday Wilford Brimley!
- Ryan Noel (5 months ago)
Mike being Mike
Happy Birthday As a special gift, here\'s a picture I took of a cat that looks like you, Wilford Briml
- Mike being Mike (5 months ago)
Happy birthday to Wilford Brimley! Now playing COCOON.
- ScarecrowVideo (5 months ago)
What the Shot?
Wilford Brimley was born on this day 84 years ago. Happy Birthday! What\'s the movie? 5 min to answer!
- What the Shot? (5 months ago)
Andrew Tomayer
Happy Birthday to Wilford Brimley, I\'ve always wanted to know, how do you always maintain such a luxuriant mustache?
- Andrew Tomayer (5 months ago)
Happy 84th birthday to wilford brimley(i probably spelled it wrong)
- G.B. (5 months ago)