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Happy Birthday Willard Scott! Hope all your birthday wishes and dreams come true!
- (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday, Gramma! Did you send her picture in to the Today show? Do they even do that any more n
- Becky (9 months ago)
Missy Hall
Happy birthday to him!! My Papaw was the same, but he really wanted a shout out from Willard Sc
- Missy Hall (10 months ago)
Christine S
Willard Scott - weather guy who liked to wish people over 100 happy birthday
- Christine S (9 months ago)
Allen Marshall
March 7 birthdays
Happy Birthday to Maurice Ravel, Willard Scott, Denyce Graves, Taylor Dayne, and Bryan Cranston!
- Allen Marshall (9 months ago)
Gary Lutz
Happy Birthday to the late great weather presenter, radio and TV personality, actor, narrator, clown, comedian, and
- Gary Lutz (9 months ago)
MAR 7 NATL FLAPJACK DAY NATL CEREAL DAY Ferdinand Schumacher began the cereal revolution in 1854 with a hand oats
- jparsio (9 months ago)
Larry in Missouri
Happy Birthday to the late Willard Scott, out of Alexandria, Virginia; career spanned 65 years & is best known for
- Larry in Missouri (9 months ago)
Scott Smith
We have a great birthday. Happy birthday to Willard Scott
- Scott Smith (9 months ago)
James Spurrier
Willard Scott just wished Nosferatu a happy 100th birthday.
- James Spurrier (9 months ago)
Shane Holinde
In the words of the late, great Willard Scott, \"Happy birthday, Carla in Grayson County!\"
- Shane Holinde (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday Willard Scott born on March 7, 1934. He is an American weather presenter, author, tel
- JeffJ1961 (9 months ago)
Killer Cosmonaut
Happy birthday to American weather presenter, author, radio and television personality, actor, clown, and comedian
- Killer Cosmonaut (9 months ago)
Walter McBride
Happy 87th Birthday ... Willard Scott
Born: March 7, 1934, Alexandria, VA
Willard Scott on September 1, 1998 in Ne
- Walter McBride (9 months ago)
Gary Manfre
Willard Scott is 87
Happy birthday!
Only 13 more years until he gets in the jar.
- Gary Manfre (9 months ago)
Winterfest Parade
Happy Birthday to Winterfest\'s first \"official\" Grand Marshal - Today\'s Show\'s Willard Scott
Born March 7, 1934, an
- Winterfest Parade (9 months ago)
Kare Thompson
Happy 87 birthday to Willard Scott. Hope that he has a wonderful birthday.
- Kare Thompson (9 months ago)
Betty White Noise
Happy birthday, Willard Scott! Stay away from those scallops!
- Betty White Noise (9 months ago)
Time for the Holidays
On in 1934 Willard Scott, American television personality and actor was born. Happy Bir
- Time for the Holidays (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday Willard Scott (Willard Herman Scott Jr.)
- virgiliocorrado (9 months ago)
pete.garofalo ❌ (12-5-2)
Whomever Willard Scott wishes Happy Birthday to that has the most gear from wins.
- pete.garofalo ❌ (12-5-2) (9 months ago)
pete.garofalo ❌ (11-5-2)
Whomever Willard Scott wishes Happy Birthday to that has the most gear from wins.
- pete.garofalo ❌ (11-5-2) (9 months ago)
pete.garofalo ❌ (13-5-3)
Whomever Willard Scott wishes Happy Birthday to that has the most gear from wins.
- pete.garofalo ❌ (13-5-3) (9 months ago)
I feel like the birthday segment of RANDY5000\'s Week in message should be there every week. It\'s like Willard Scot
- RANDY5000 (9 months ago)
Nicholas Ferreri
On this date 40 years ago, the one and only Willard Scott joined NBC\'s \"Today\". He appeared on the show through 201
- Nicholas Ferreri (9 months ago)
spacewoman reporter
Happy 86th Birthday goes out to Willard Scott born today in 1934. Did you know he was the creator and original port
- spacewoman reporter (9 months ago)
Groovy History
Happy 86th Birthday goes out to Willard Scott born today in 1934. Did you know he was the creator and original por
- Groovy History (9 months ago)
Simon Byrd
\"Smucker\'s wishes a Happy Birthday! I\'m 86!\" -Willard Scott
- Simon Byrd (9 months ago)
Phyllis Weiss
\"I get all fired up about aging in America.\" Happy Birthday, Willard Scott!
- Phyllis Weiss (9 months ago)
Al Bagocius
Willard Scott started as an NBC page in 1950. After a remarkable 65 years at the network, 35 of them at TODAY. Toda
- Al Bagocius (9 months ago)
Teewhy Nyema
Happy Birthday to Antony Armstrong-Jones (d. 2017), Robert Trotter (d. 2013), Jackie Blanchflower (d. 1998), Ed Bou
- Teewhy Nyema (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Irish Chacon, Peter Sarsgaard, Willard Scott, Greta Lee, and more!
- Dlisted (9 months ago)
Barry Kowal
March 7:Happy 86th birthday to weather presenter,Willard Scott(\"Today Show\")
- Barry Kowal (9 months ago)
Bruce Mitchell
For those of you younger than Sean, way back in the day Willard Scott was the weatherman o
- Bruce Mitchell (9 months ago)
Sean Radican
What was it like hearing Willard Scott wish you happy birthday on national tv 15 years ago
- Sean Radican (9 months ago)
Wrestling Epicenter
Wanted to do my best Willard Scott (does anyone get that reference?) and wish a Happy Birthday to the most hardcore
- Wrestling Epicenter (10 months ago)
Happy Birthday ! If Willard Scott was still working we could all see your face on a jar of Smuckers jam.
- pikapika (9 months ago)
Greg Hummel
Remember when we were kids and they made us earn the right to upgrade from pencil to pen? What fuckin power trip s
- Greg Hummel (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday, Willard Scott! He turned 85 on Thursday. Only 15 more years til you get one of these, Willard!
- Shiz (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday, Willard Scott! xo
- Morgan (9 months ago)
Al Sussman
Happy 85th Birthday to Willard Scott, here from his Today show retirement in Dec. 2015:
- Al Sussman (9 months ago)
Jimmy Carter
Happy Birthday NBC weather great Willard Scott...Classic broadcaster now enjoying South Florida retirement....O
- Jimmy Carter (9 months ago)
Photo Larry ®
Happy Birthday RIP James Broderick(1927 1982) Alan Sues(1926 2011) ; Willard Scott Jr 85 Danielo Travanti 79 Michae
- Photo Larry ® (9 months ago)
Antenna TV
Happy 85th birthday to Willard Scott!! Watch him play Peter Poole on The Hogan Family, weekends on What
- Antenna TV (9 months ago)
Lake Gibson Village
The former Today show weatherman known for televised birthday wishes to those 100 or older has a milestone birthday
- Lake Gibson Village (9 months ago)
JC Allen
Happy 85th Birthday Willard Scott~~~ via
- JC Allen (9 months ago)
Countenance Blog the Expat
If Willard Scott makes it another 15 years, he\'ll be able to wish himself a happy 100th birthday.
- Countenance Blog the Expat (9 months ago)
My wonderful grandmother passed away last November
just before turning 99. She always said that she\'d rather die
- Best of Spob Bross (9 months ago)
Shannan Siemens
Well this is just the cutest! Happy Birthday Miss Lilly!
ARS has many jobs - could he add \"the next Willard Scott\"
- Shannan Siemens (10 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Willard Scott will celebrate his 91 years old birthday in 2 months and 20 days! Send your greetings to him now!