Happy Birthday 10/20: William Russ (Alan-Boy Meets World) - 71, Ricky Byrd (guitarist-Joan Jett & The Blackhearts)
- David Roberson (4 months ago)
Happy Birthday to William Russ
- topstarbirthdays (4 months ago)
Oct 20 Happy Birthday part 1: Barrie Chase, Timothy West, Eric Scott, Robert Costanza, George Wyne
- WmsbgNostalgiaFest (4 months ago)
Happy birthday! William Russ (TV Actor), 70 years old. On this special day, I raise a toast to you and your life
- Allfamous.org (4 months ago)
Kenneth Johnson
Oct 20 Happy Birthday part 1: Barrie Chase, Timothy West, Robert Costanzo, George Wyner, William Russ,
- Kenneth Johnson (4 months ago)
George Schmidt (G)
Happy 70th Birthday to
- George Schmidt (G) (4 months ago)
Erik Toth
Happy 70th birthday, William Russ!
What\'s your favorite role he\'s done?
- Erik Toth (4 months ago)
Birthdays! Robert Costanzo, W
- GoodHeavensGwendolen (4 months ago)
What the Shot?
William Russ turns 68 today, happy birthday! What movie is it? 5 min to answer!
- What the Shot? (4 months ago)
A Very Happy Birthday for the 20th of October to William Russ Captain Jonas Hanson on Starg
- Gatecast (4 months ago)
North Trenton
Happy Birthday to Tom Petty (d. 2017), William Russ, Al Greenwood, Patrick Hall, Ken Ham, Leif Pagrotsky and Claudio Ranieri.
- North Trenton (4 months ago)
Celebrity Birthdays
Happy Birthday William Russ
- Celebrity Birthdays (4 months ago)
Happy Birthday William Russ! Alan Matthews dad Roger Lococco Evan Henn
- JJ (4 months ago)
IMDb. October 20th. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Dolores Hart, William Russ, George Wyner, Barrie Chase, William Christopher, Bill Nunn, Niall Matter.
- GSmith (4 months ago)
Fri, 20 Oct 2017, let us all send William Russ the best Happy Birthday wishes today ( (67)
- Thorsten Alteholz (4 months ago)
Debi Rick
- Debi Rick (4 months ago)
Happy Birthday William Russ (Alan)! - bmwsequel: Happy Birthday William RussĀ (Alan)!Picture Credit: Our...
- MaYaYaYa (4 months ago)
Closer Weekly
Happy 65th Birthday, See the cast of then and now:
- Closer Weekly (4 months ago)
Joan Tintor
Yes Buckwheat! \" Happy Birthday to William Russ - Alan Matthews
- Joan Tintor (4 months ago)
Annie M.
Happy Birthday to Season one of \"Wiseguy\" remains perfect.
- Annie M. (4 months ago)
IMDb. October 20th. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Alberto Ammann, William Christopher, Candice Swanepoel, William Russ, Melanie Mayron, Adam Butcher.
- GSmith (4 months ago)
North Trenton
Happy Birthday to Timothy West, William Russ, Viggo Mortensen, Snoop Dogg, R\'sonist and Jennifer Freeman.
- North Trenton (4 months ago)
Happy Birthday 2day 2 Timothy West 81,Tom Petty & William Russ 65,Viggo Mortensen 57,Lepa Brena 55,Julie Payette 52 &L8Gr8 Jelly Roll Morton
- LookMary.com (4 months ago)
Old Disney Channel
Happy (belated) Birthday to our 90's T.V Dad that's now a Grandpa of two Grandkids on Girl Meets World, William Russ! (Con)
- Old Disney Channel (4 months ago)
Justin Maunu
Happy Birthday William Russ
- Justin Maunu (4 months ago)
Happy Birthday to William Russ (
- UltimateSoapFan (4 months ago)
livetwat butterballs
Happy birthday george harris, william russ, thomas newman, jerry orbach, viggo mortensen
- livetwat butterballs (4 months ago)
Girl Meets World
Happy Birthday
- Girl Meets World (4 months ago)
Happy Birthday to: Viggo Mortensen, Snoop Dogg, Bill Nunn, Lis Vega, Sonia Dubois, William Russ and many, many others.
- QUILAN (4 months ago)
E. Lee Zimmerman
Happy SciFi Birthday wishes to The Event's William Russ!
- E. Lee Zimmerman (4 months ago)
Happy Birthday to William Russ - dad Alan Matthews
- JJ (4 months ago)
A Happy Birthday to William Russ Cap Jonas Hanson Stargate SG1 +
- Gatecast (4 months ago)
Thorsten Alteholz
Mon, 20 Oct 2014, let us all send William Russ the best Happy Birthday wishes today ( (64)
- Thorsten Alteholz (4 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
William Russ will celebrate his 75 years old birthday in 7 months and 14 days! Send your greetings to him now!