Happy birthday Game Show Host Wink Martindale! Happy birthday just isn\'t enough for you. So I wish you a breathtaki
- AllFamous.org (3 months ago)
Larry in Missouri ( Leisure Suit Larry)
Happy Birthday Winston Wink Martindale, out of Jackson, Tennessee; In his 6 decade career, he is best known for h
- Larry in Missouri ( Leisure Suit Larry) (3 months ago)
Amanda Pangburn
Happy birthday, Wink Martindale! Have a wonderful day!
- Amanda Pangburn (3 months ago)
Merf Radio
He\'s 88 today. Who? he greatest TV game show host of all-time, that\'s who. Happy birthday, Wink Martindale! (Reuter
- Merf Radio (3 months ago)
Dec 4 Happy Birthday part 1: Wink Martindale, Max Baer Jr, Jimmy Hunt, Gemma Jones,
- WmsbgNostalgiaFest (3 months ago)
Today\'s Famous Birthday
Have a good one! Wink Martindale (Game Show Host), 86 years old.
Wishing you a beautiful day with good health and h
- Today\'s Famous Birthday (3 months ago)
December 4 and everyone at wish a happy birthday to WINK MARTINDALE! Thanks f
- RealGilbertACP (3 months ago)
Old Hippie Media
Happy birthday Crazy Horse, Robert Adler, Wink Martindale, Dennis Wilson, Jeff Bridges, Frank Reich, Jay-Z, and Tyr
- Old Hippie Media (3 months ago)
Old School 80s
Happy Birthday to Jeff Bridges(71), Wink Martindale(87), Marisa Tomei(56), Patricia Wettig(69), Chelsea Noble(
- Old School 80s (3 months ago)
George Schmidt (G)
Happy 87th Birthday to
- George Schmidt (G) (3 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Ronnie Corbett (d. 2016), Jim Hall (d. 2013), Alex Delvecchio, Wally George (d. 2003), Roh Tae Wo
- Teewhy Nyema (3 months ago)
Todd Jessup
Happy 85th Birthday to Wink Martindale. He is a disc jockey, radio personality, game show host, and television prod
- Todd Jessup (3 months ago)
spacewoman reporter
Born Winston Conrad \"Wink\" Martindale, American disc jockey, radio persona
- spacewoman reporter (3 months ago)
Let\'s wish a Happy 86th Birthday to Game Show Host, Wink Martindale!
- TheGameShowFan2019Studios (3 months ago)
Shayna Hayes
Bigger star here is Wink Martindale. Happy Birthday!!
- Shayna Hayes (3 months ago)
Ronald Davis
Thank You Wink - Happy Birthday Wink Wink Martindale age:86 Information is Accurate
- Ronald Davis (3 months ago)
Al Sussman
Happy 85th or 86th (depending on the source) Birthday to veteran disc jockey and game show host Wink Martindale:
- Al Sussman (3 months ago)
Hatty Burpday
December 4
Happy birthday today to
Wink Martindale (85)
Max Baer Jr (82)
Gemma Jones (77)
Anna McGarrigle (75)
- Hatty Burpday (3 months ago)
Celebrity Birthdays
December 4
Happy birthday today to
Wink Martindale
Max Baer Jr.
Gemma Jones
Anna McGarrigle
Polly Hemingway
Jeff B
- Celebrity Birthdays (3 months ago)
Dena Dietrich 91 (Chiffon Margarine \"Mother Nature\"), Wink Martindale 86, Max Baer Jr 82 (The Beverly Hillbillies),
- JM007JM (3 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Marisa Tomei, Tyra Banks, Wink Martindale, and more!
- Dlisted (3 months ago)
Kracker Jones
Happy birthday Max Barry Jr(82)Jay-Z(50)Tyra Banks(46)Marisa Tomei(55)Jeff Bridges(70)Fred Armisen(53)Wink Martinda
- Kracker Jones (3 months ago)
Born Winston Conrad \"Wink\" Martindale, American disc jockey, radio person
- Madhotcomicsplus (3 months ago)
Happy Birthday Wink Martindale. I will forever be scandalized by the innuendos I didn\'t understand when I was a ki
- Fertanish (3 months ago)