Happy Birthday to one of the GOAT. Eddie Guerrero. One of my favorites.
- Greg Fisher (3 months ago)
Happy birthday Eddie Guerrero. Wish u was still here putting a smile on our faces with ur lying cheating and stealing.
- RingKingCamacho (3 months ago)
Happy Birthday Eddie Guerrero
- Jeremy (3 months ago)
Happy birthday Eddie Guerrero.
- Ninja-X³ (3 months ago)
Ryan Roo
Happy Birthday to Hall of Famer Eddie Guerrero also RIP 1967 - 2005
- Ryan Roo (3 months ago)
Eddie Guerrero is a Mexican American hero. Happy Birthday to the man.
- Eddy (3 months ago)
Keith Young
Happy Birthday to the late Eddie Guerrero
- Keith Young (3 months ago)
Happy Birthday to late and great and best wrestler of all time he would of been 52 today and still better then most
- ReV (3 months ago)
Happy birthday Eddie Guerrero
- Rios (3 months ago)
Gary Smith
Happy birthday to the guy who in my opinion is the greatest in ring worker in history Eddie Guerrero!!
- Gary Smith (3 months ago)
Brittney Seiler
Happy birthday to this incredible legend Eddie Guerrero he was the most incredible wrestler I have seen in my life
- Brittney Seiler (3 months ago)
Happy birthday to my hero and idol Eddie Guerrero miss you so much
- Big.Ben™ (3 months ago)
Sarah Peeler
Happy birthday Eddie Guerrero
- Sarah Peeler (3 months ago)
That Random Man (18+)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Eddie Guerrero! You lied, you cheated, and you stole all of our hearts! We miss you!
- That Random Man (18+) (3 months ago)
Daniel Loughins
Happy Birthday to one of the greatest of all time Eddie Guerrero. Missed every single day. One of the most likeable
- Daniel Loughins (3 months ago)
Becky Is The Man
Happy birthday to the late, great, Eddie Guerrero.
- Becky Is The Man (3 months ago)
Broken, for a better cause.
Happy Birthday too the late, great, Eddie Guerrero.
Not a day goes by that we don\'t miss you. Regardle
- Broken, for a better cause. (3 months ago)
Real shit happy birthday to my nigga Eddie Guerrero on god
- RAshawn (3 months ago)
Today is my favorite wrestler Eddie Guerrero s birthday today. RIP and happy birthday to the GOAT
- mmarion13 (3 months ago)
Happy birthday eddie guerrero. thanks for the masterpiece
- robbie (3 months ago)
Happy birthday to the legend Eddie Guerrero! Rest in paradise king!
- Ivan (3 months ago)
Troy F.
Happy birthday to one of my favourite wrestler s of all time & rip. latino heat eddie guerrero.
- Troy F. (3 months ago)
Spooky KB Sosa
Happy Birthday Eddie Guerrero. You will always forever be my favorite wrestler growing up. Kinda wish you were stil
- Spooky KB Sosa (3 months ago)
Brandon Parnell
Happy birthday to the late Eddie Guerrero! We miss you!
- Brandon Parnell (3 months ago)
The VESSEL of Matt Hardy
It s the birthday of Eddie Guerrero, one of my favorite people & brothers to work with/against. Eddie w
- The VESSEL of Matt Hardy (3 months ago)
Happy Birthday to the late Eddie Guerrero, you will always be a Champion in our hearts.
- WWE on FOX (3 months ago)
Bill Bain
Happy Birthday to the late great Eddie Guerrero, this was taken a few months before my first match. Eddie was nice
- Bill Bain (3 months ago)
Florence T.
I still remember when he won the Wwe champion for the first time in No Way Out. Was one of my favorite wrestler! Ha
- Florence T. (3 months ago)
Dakota Fuqua
Happy birthday to the late, great Eddie Guerrero
- Dakota Fuqua (3 months ago)
Tika Ponds
Happy Heavenly birthday to the Legendary Eddie Guerrero!!!!!
- Tika Ponds (3 months ago)
david brissett
Man I cant believe it\'s that time of year again. Happy birthday to one of the true greats Eddie Guerrero! You are a
- david brissett (3 months ago)
Happy birthday Eddie Guerrero
- navi (3 months ago)
MSB Fight Club
Happy Birthday to the late, great Eddie Guerrero!! Eddie would have turned 52 today. Share with us your favorite me
- MSB Fight Club (3 months ago)
Alexis Quintero
Happy Birthday to one of the best wrestlers in the world, Eddie Guerrero We still miss ya!
- Alexis Quintero (3 months ago)
Happy birthday Eddie guerrero
- LightningPichu35 (3 months ago)
Happy Birthday To Eddie Guerrero
- ThunderPikachu35 (3 months ago)
Poor Taste Wrestling Podcast
Eddie Guerrero would have been 52 years old today. Happy Birthday Eddie, we miss you and the Latino Heat. I Lie! I
- Poor Taste Wrestling Podcast (3 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Eddie Guerrero will celebrate his 58 years old birthday in 8 months and 4 days! Send your greetings to him now!