Happy Birthday Faran Tahir
- Solo Juan (3 weeks ago)
Sci-Fi Fantasy Fans
Happy Birthday Faran Tahir, who played Captain Robau in (2009), Raza in Pres. Patel in
- Sci-Fi Fantasy Fans (3 weeks ago)
Today is Faran Tahir s 58th birthday! Faran played the role of Raza, one of the members of the Ten Rings in Iron Man. Happy birthday!
- MCU IMDb (3 weeks ago)
Lisa - Oncer
Happy birthday to the amazing Faran Tahir who played Captain Nemo on Once Upon a Time !
- Lisa - Oncer (3 weeks ago)
What the Shot?
Happy Birthday to Faran Tahir who\'s now 57 years old. Do you remember this movie? 5 min to answer!
- What the Shot? (3 weeks ago)
The Projection Booth Podcast
Happy Birthday to Faran Tahir! Hear him on this special episode of The Projection Booth
- The Projection Booth Podcast (3 weeks ago)
16 February: Happy birthday
1963: FARAN TAHIR, Captain Richard Robau (ST09) 1967: PASHA LYCHNIKOFF,
- Today In Star Trek History (3 weeks ago)
doumit khalil
Happy birthday to the great actor,Faran Tahir,he turns 56 years today
- doumit khalil (3 weeks ago)
Jim Kirkwood Jr
Happy birthday Faran Tahir, born February 16, 1963.
- Jim Kirkwood Jr (3 weeks ago)
Kenneth Johnson
Feb 16 Happy Birthday part 1: Peggy King, Barry Primus, Jeremy Bulloch, Troy Evans, William Katt, Hunt Block, Janic
- Kenneth Johnson (3 weeks ago)
Jennifer Long
Happy Birthday to Elizabeth Olsen, Marershala Ali, William Katt, Ice-T, Faran Tahir, Tr
- Jennifer Long (3 weeks ago)
IMDb. February 16th. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! LeVar Burton (60) William Katt, Ice-T, Agyness Deyn, Chloe East, Jimmy Tatro, Faran Tahir.
- GSmith (3 weeks ago)
Happy birthday Mahershala Ali, Elizabeth Olsen, Christopher Eccleston, Sarah Clarke, LeVar Burton, William Katt, Faran Tahir & Eric Ladin!
- Rinsessa (3 weeks ago)
Please join us in wishing him the very best of birthdays today!
What\'s your favori
- Renegades (3 weeks ago)
Wishing Faran Tahir a happy birthday. Besides being Captain Robau in sci-fi fans know him from Warehouse
- TrekMovie.com (3 weeks ago)
Thorsten Alteholz
Thu, 16 Feb 2017, let us all send Faran Tahir the best Happy Birthday wishes today ( (53)
- Thorsten Alteholz (3 weeks ago)
(Allie) Lots of birthdays today. We almost missed one! Happy Birthday to Faran Tahir, who played Raza (leader of...
- The MCU (3 weeks ago)