Happy birthday to two people who were hugely influential in their fields writer, poet, and inventor of the detectiv
- Southern Fried Karma (1 month ago)
Kitty Ruhstaller
- Kitty Ruhstaller (1 month ago)
القط الاسود
Happy birthday to the late Janis Joplin
- القط الاسود (1 month ago)
Happy birthday to the queen of rock janis joplin!
- greta (1 month ago)
Love me some Janis Joplin!!
- Kelly (1 month ago)
Mike Reiss
Remembering Janis Joplin Today on What Would Have Been Her 77th Birthday (Born 1/19/43)
- Mike Reiss (1 month ago)
Mikayla Jones
Two legends birthdays on the same day, both not here to enjoy it. Happy birthday Mac Miller and Janis Joplin. Even
- Mikayla Jones (1 month ago)
Happy Janis Joplin s 77th Birthday. She changed everything. Video: Cry Baby Live and for y
- DeClementia (1 month ago)
hungover Otis
Happy birthday to Janis Joplin, an angel gone too soon. She was my lullaby and she\'s follow me to my deathbed. The
- hungover Otis (1 month ago)
Happy birthday Janis Joplin queen, you were always smart beautiful & uniquely talented!!
- ant (1 month ago)
Panda Padilla.
- Panda Padilla. (1 month ago)
\"Piece of My Heart\" by Big Brother & The Holding Company on Happy Birthday Janis Joplin
- shorty (1 month ago)
Happy Birthday to singer and Queen of Janis born 77 years ago (Jan. 19, 1943 - Oct. 4, 1970
- Lili WOOD (1 month ago)
Debbie Sayers
Remembering Janis Joplin Today on What Would Have Been Her 77th Birthday (Born 1/19/43)
- Debbie Sayers (1 month ago)
Anita Covington
Another birthday today!
- Anita Covington (1 month ago)
Feel Rad
Happy birthday, Janis Joplin!; Me & Bobby McGee via
- Feel Rad (1 month ago)
Happy Birthday Dolly Parton, Janis Joplin, Edgar A. Poe and me.
- TinaBobinaBananafana (1 month ago)
✯ ƒαує ✯
Happy birthday to the late Janis Joplin 1/19/43 - 10/4/70
- ✯ ƒαує ✯ (1 month ago)
gülkan \'noir\'
Happy Birthday Janis Joplin - Me & Bobby McGee
\'Freedom\'s just another w
- gülkan \'noir\' (1 month ago)
autumn dies(Cyren)
Remembering Janis Joplin Today on What Would Have Been Her 77th Birthday (Born 1/19/43)
- autumn dies(Cyren) (1 month ago)
Frecuencia Rock
Happy Birthday Janis Joplin!
- Frecuencia Rock (1 month ago)