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Happy Birthday Jerry Jones hope you have a good day!!!!
- Patricia (2 months ago)
T.J. White
Happy Birthday, Jerry Jones!
- T.J. White (2 months ago)
Dallas Cowboys
Happy Birthday, Jerry Jones
- Dallas Cowboys (2 months ago)
Sports Hallz
Happy Bday (number 79) to Jerry Jones, inducted as a Owner in 2017.
Celebrate with him at
- Sports Hallz (2 months ago)
Happy Birthday Jerry Jones!
- FoxyMelissa (2 months ago)
Happy 79th birthday, Jerry Jones! The Pro Football Hall of Fame owner helped Dallas win three Super Bowls and bui
- DFWSportsPast (2 months ago)
DFW Sports
Happy Birthday to Owner/GM Jerry Jones.
Enjoy a McGriddle on me low salt |
- DFW Sports (2 months ago)
Ben Coker
Happy birthday Jerry Jones!
- Ben Coker (2 months ago)
Detroit Sports Brain
Happy 79th Birthday to Jerry Jones
- Detroit Sports Brain (2 months ago)
Queen H. Bak
- Queen H. Bak (2 months ago)
Happy birthday jerry Jones needs you
- Mark (1 month ago)
Hey Happy Birthday!
Yay Fuck off Jerry Jones!
- GeekTexas (1 month ago)
Tracy Harker
Happy Birthday Cap. You ve got a lot a fans out here. If Jerry Jones facelifts hadn t crushed his v
- Tracy Harker (1 month ago)
Betrayed By Republican Gop
Happy birthday Jerry Jones about to call and pretend he s wishing you
- Betrayed By Republican Gop (1 month ago)
Tanner Wilson
When mentioning Jerry Jones! His was last week where he turned 78! Not a very happy birthday I m betting!
- Tanner Wilson (1 month ago)
America on Life Support
I ve got two words for Jerry Jones.
No, not F$&? you...
No, not Happy Birthday...
....Colin Kaepernick
I triple dog dare you Jerry!
- America on Life Support (1 month ago)
Gil LeBreton
Happy 78th birthday (six days ago), Jerry Jones. Another year wasted, eh?
- Gil LeBreton (1 month ago)
Happy birthday Jerry Jones
- Supher (1 month ago)
thick cannon
Happy birthday jerry jones
- thick cannon (1 month ago)
Gabriella D’Ambra
Happy birthday jerry jones
- Gabriella D’Ambra (1 month ago)
Hector \"Parlay Poza\" Hernandez
Happy Belated Birthday Jerry Jones
- Hector \"Parlay Poza\" Hernandez (1 month ago)
$harkytank ➐
Happy Birthday Jerry Jones
- $harkytank ➐ (1 month ago)
S H A R K Y T A N K ➐
Happy Birthday Jerry Jones
- S H A R K Y T A N K ➐ (1 month ago)
You have to be the worst owner ever. You ran off Jimmy Johnson, a 2 time (BACK 2 BACK) Super Bowl C
- NothinButSports (1 month ago)
Unfortunately has priced himself out of the there is entirely to many holes to fill and bad co
- CT C (1 month ago)
Happy Birthday Jerry Jones
- Jowemart (1 month ago)
Jennifer Lee Perez
Come on Cowboys wake up for the night. Happy birthday Jerry Jones.
- Jennifer Lee Perez (1 month ago)
Ken McConnell
Happy Birthday, Jerry Jones. LOL!
- Ken McConnell (1 month ago)