A perfect demonstration of the perils of referring to oneself in the third person.
- We Got This Covered (1 week ago)
Salinas Library
Happy Birthday to John Sandford is an American New York Times best-selling author, novelist, former
- Salinas Library (2 weeks ago)
Books & Roses
A day late, but happy birthday John Sandford.
- Books & Roses (1 week ago)
Writer\'s Relief
Happy birthday, John Sandford! John is an American best-selling former
- Writer\'s Relief (2 weeks ago)
Friends of WHLibrary
An off-duty Coastguard is fishing when he calls in some suspicious behaviour from a nearby boat.His hunch is proved
- Friends of WHLibrary (2 weeks ago)
lebeau\'s Le Blog
February 23: Happy Birthday John Sandford
- lebeau\'s Le Blog (2 weeks ago)
Celebrity Birthdays
February 23
Happy birthday today to
Linda Cristal
Bernard Cornwell
John Sandford
Patricia Richardson
Howard Jones
- Celebrity Birthdays (2 weeks ago)
Author John Sandford is 76. Happy Birthday!!
- WhoseBirthdayIsItAnyway? (2 weeks ago)
James Scott Bell
Happy Birthday to John Sandford, who turns 76 today! Here are 10 quotes for writers and about wr
- James Scott Bell (2 weeks ago)
Writer\'s Digest
Happy Birthday to John Sandford, who turns 76 today! Here are 10 quotes for writers and about writing from the auth
- Writer\'s Digest (2 weeks ago)
Hatty Burpday
February 23
Happy birthday today to
Linda Cristal (86)
Bernard Cornwell (76)
John Sandford (76)
Patricia Richardso
- Hatty Burpday (2 weeks ago)
Scott Co. Library
Happy Birthday John Sandford! What did everyone think of Holy Ghost -- the latest Virgil Flowers mystery?
- Scott Co. Library (2 weeks ago)
Happy Birthday, John Sandford! Sandford is the pseudonym of John Roswell Camp, a Pulitzer-Prize winning journalist.
- MandelPublicLibrary (2 weeks ago)
Happy birthday to writer John Sandford (John Roswell Camp) (February 23, 1944), author of \"Buried Prey\" (2011) and many, many other works.
- Book_Addict (2 weeks ago)
Fully Booked
A very happy birthday greeting to one of my favourite crime writers - John Sandford
- Fully Booked (2 weeks ago)
VJ Books
VJ Books wishes a happy birthday to John Sandford! You can check out his author page here:
- VJ Books (2 weeks ago)
Books Tell You Why
Happy birthday to prolific author and Pulitzer-winning journalist John Sandford:
- Books Tell You Why (2 weeks ago)
Happy birthday to authors Bernard Cornwell and John Sandford! Which one is your favorite?
- BCLS (2 weeks ago)
Happy birthday to writer John Sandford (John Roswell Camp) (February 23, 1944), author of \"Buried Prey\" (2011) and many, many other works.
- Book_Addict (2 weeks ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
John Sandford just celebrated his 81 years old birthday 2 weeks ago. It's still not too late to say happy bday. Send your greetings to him now!