Welcome to Robert Smigel's Birthday Celebration Page
Robert Smigel got 40 balloons for his birthday! Gift him more message balloons!
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Happy Birthday to Robert Smigel, one of the most underrated comics / writers in history. - Melanie (3 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday to Robert Smigel (a.k.a Triumph the Insult Comic Dog) - BigRed17 (3 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Bernie Wong
Happy Birthday Robert Smigel! And ... - Bernie Wong (3 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Tom the Dancing Bug, by Ruben Bolling
Happy Birthday to Robert Smigel the all-time most underrated force in all of American comedy. Only - Tom the Dancing Bug, by Ruben Bolling (3 weeks ago)
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Judie K
Love Smigel!! Triumph could never have defended Goulet or had relations with an undera - Judie K (3 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Jennifer Long ☮️
Happy Birthday to James Spader, Robert Smigel, and Davi - Jennifer Long ☮️ (3 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Dan Pasternack
Happy birthday to the brilliant Robert Smigel, the hand inside He is a beloved friend and the funnie - Dan Pasternack (3 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Simon Viklund
TIL James Spader and Robert Smigel are exactly the same age - happy 63rd birthday to both of you! - Simon Viklund (3 weeks ago)
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Nicole Grant
Happy Birthday Ashton Kutcher, James Spader, Deborah Ann Woll, Robyn Lively, Tina Majorino, Bea Miller, and Robert - Nicole Grant (3 weeks ago)
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Christopher Bligh
Happy birthday ROBESMIGEL! - Christopher Bligh (3 weeks ago)
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chris hauselt
Happy birthday Robert Smigel. You are one of the funniest, and most genuinely kind, people ever to commit themselve - chris hauselt (3 weeks ago)
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❤️ Nifkintine’s Day ❤️
Happy birthday to Robert Smigel - ❤️ Nifkintine’s Day ❤️ (3 weeks ago)
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That Week In SNL
Happy Birthday to long-time writer, one-time cast member, TV Funhouse creator, secret best Bob Dole and overall leg - That Week In SNL (3 weeks ago)
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Jon Adler
An impressive list of comedian birthdays today: Robert Smigel Happy birthday - Jon Adler (3 weeks ago)
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Feb 7 Happy Birthday part 1: Laurie Johnson, Predrag Antonijevic, John Posey, James Spa - WmsbgNostalgiaFest (3 weeks ago)
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James Leroy Wilson
TIL the Ambiguously Gay Duo were Stephen Colbert and Steve Carrell. Happy birthday Robert Smigel! He was the king - James Leroy Wilson (3 weeks ago)
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George Schmidt (G)
Happy 61st Birthday to ROBESMIGEL - George Schmidt (G) (3 weeks ago)
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Prayer List For Rock stars
Happy birthday to aka the voice behind Triumph the Insult Comic Dog And is also a comedian, write - Prayer List For Rock stars (3 weeks ago)
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Phil Dyess-Nugent
Happy birthday, Robert Smigel - Phil Dyess-Nugent (3 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Writer Robert Smigel turns 60. Happy Birthday!! - WhoseBirthdayIsItAnyway? (3 weeks ago)
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Sylvester Williams
Happy 59th Birthday Robert Smigel - Sylvester Williams (3 weeks ago)
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SNL in Review
Happy birthday Robert Smigel, one of SNL\'s greatest writers... AND TRIUMPH\'S HAND MASTER - SNL in Review (3 weeks ago)
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Travis Kemp
Happy Birthday, Robert Smigel! - Travis Kemp (3 weeks ago)
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Markese Wright
Happy Twins Birthday. Chris Rock Is 54 Year Old, Ashton Kutcher Is 41 Year Old, James Spader Is 59 Year Old, Robert - Markese Wright (3 weeks ago)
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North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema)
Happy Birthday to James Spader, Robert Smigel, Yasunori Matsumoto, Garth Brooks, David Bryan, Eddie Izzard, Heidema - North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema) (3 weeks ago)
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Kenneth Johnson
Feb 7 Happy Birthday part 1: Bonnie Jones, John Posey, James Spader, Robert Smigel, Dona S - Kenneth Johnson (3 weeks ago)
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Hot Sauce
Happy Birthday to Robert Smigel, who turns 58 today! - Hot Sauce (3 weeks ago)
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Thorsten Alteholz
Wed, 07 Feb 2018, let us all send Robert Smigel the best Happy Birthday wishes today ( (58) - Thorsten Alteholz (3 weeks ago)
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North Trenton
Happy Birthday to James Spader, Robert Smigel, David Bryan, Eddie Izzard, Garth Brooks, Chris Rock, Kid Capri and Lady of Rage. - North Trenton (3 weeks ago)
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Jennifer Long
Happy Birthday to Brian Travers, Robert Smigel, James Spader, and - Jennifer Long (3 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Emery Lamb
Happy Birthday and Robert Smigel! It\'s going to be a wonderful day! - Emery Lamb (3 weeks ago)
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Jamie Roxx
Happy Birthday. Today, Feb 7, 1960 Robert Smigel, American actor, producer, and screenwriter was born. ( - Jamie Roxx (3 weeks ago)
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Neil Macready
Happy Birthday Robert Smigel | Born February 7, 1960 | American actor, humourist, comedian and writer. - Neil Macready (3 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Happy 57th Birthday to \"SNL\" writer/comedian Robert Smigel! - TReese82 (4 weeks ago)
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Ernest III
Happy belated Birthday Robert Smigel. - Ernest III (3 weeks ago)
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SNL Trivia
Happy belated birthday to two important SNL people, Chris Rock and Robert Smigel! - SNL Trivia (3 weeks ago)
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Movie Star Birthdays
Happy Birthday Robert Smigel! (actor, 55) - Movie Star Birthdays (3 weeks ago)
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Travis Kemp
Happy Birthday, Robert Smigel, aka Triumph, the Insult Comic Dog! - Travis Kemp (3 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Hot Sauce
Happy Birthday to Robert Smigel, who turns 55 today! - Hot Sauce (3 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Thorsten Alteholz
Sat, 07 Feb 2015, let us all send Robert Smigel the best Happy Birthday wishes today ( (55) - Thorsten Alteholz (3 weeks ago)

65 years old (Born on February 07, 1960)

Actor, comedian and writer who is best known for writing for SNL and the TV Funhouse cartoon skits. He co-wrote the scripts for You Don't Mess with the Zohan and Hotel Transylvania.

Robert Smigel's Best Moments

Happy belated birthday to two important SNL people, Chris Rock and Robert Smigel!
Happy birthday Robert Smigel, one of SNL\s greatest writers...

Happy Birthday to Robert Smigel, who turns 58 today!
Happy Birthday, Robert Smigel!
Happy Birthday to Robert Smigel, who turns 55 today!
Happy Birthday, Robert Smigel, aka Triumph, the Insult Comic Dog!
Writer Robert Smigel turns 60. Happy Birthday!!
Happy birthday, Robert Smigel
Happy 61st Birthday to 
 Happy Birthday Robert Smigel! And ...
Robert Smigel sexy 0
Robert Smigel new pic 1
Robert Smigel dating 2
Robert Smigel sexy 3

Gift A Birthday Balloon

e.g.: grumpy cat, poem, Robert, hugs, kiss you, xoxo, smile, friendship, love, Jesus, OMG, beautiful, cute, funny, sexy, gorgeous, dude, biatch, holy shit


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