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Citizens That Know
I liked \'Sarah, Plain and Tall\' with Glenn Close and Happy 80th Birthday Christopher Walken.
- Citizens That Know (11 months ago)
Sorry its really late but a Happy birthday from Sunday to the American actress Glenn Close who has played in films
- movietelevisionandactorfan (11 months ago)
It\'s still march 19 somewhere in the world so happy birthday glenn close!
- liyah (12 months ago)
It\'s still march 19 somewhere in the world so happy birthday glenn close!
- ʟɪʏᴀʜ (12 months ago)
David Hollingsworth
Happy 76th Birthday to the remarkable and always electrifying Glenn Close!
- David Hollingsworth (12 months ago)
Mary Perry
Happy Birthday, Glenn Close!
- Mary Perry (12 months ago)
Jerry Dennis
A very happy birthday to Glenn Close!
- Jerry Dennis (12 months ago)
Simon Cadbury
Happy Birthday to the incomparable Glenn Close! Grateful for the decades of powerhouse performances
- Simon Cadbury (12 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Glenn Close - What is your favorite Glenn Close role?
- 80sTees (12 months ago)
Harold’s Golden Age of Hollywood
Is it just me? Or does it piss anyone else off that Hillary
Swank and Jody Foster each have two Oscars and Glenn C
- Harold’s Golden Age of Hollywood (12 months ago)
Method Man\'s Hand Gestures
Happy Birthday to my supreme acting leader Glenn Close who I do have an unhealthy infatuation with lol In celebrati
- Method Man\'s Hand Gestures (12 months ago)
Time For A Film
Wishing Glenn Close a very Happy 76th Birthday.
- Time For A Film (12 months ago)
Happy 76th birthday, Glenn Close! I\'m a big fan of her as Cruella De Vil in the live-action Disney movies \"101 Dalm
- Mariah (12 months ago)
FOX Carolina News
Happy Birthday, Glenn Close! The actress turned 76 today!
- FOX Carolina News (12 months ago)
Happy Birthday Glenn Close! Hope all your birthday wishes and dreams come true!
- (12 months ago)
I\'m not going to be ignored, Dan!\"
Fatal Attraction 1987
Happy Birthday!
Glenn Close born March 19, 1947
- La femme merveilleuse invisible (12 months ago)
Happy birthday Glenn Close
- Eddie Mouradian (12 months ago)
Happy birthday to Glenn Close, my Evelyn Baker Lang, first female Chief Justice
- rob (12 months ago)
Since it s Women s History Month, I m going to highlight one of my favorite film/tv performances by actresses every
- hugeasmammoth.films (12 months ago)
⚾ J. Daniel ⚾
Happy Birthday to Glenn Close!
- ⚾ J. Daniel ⚾ (12 months ago)
Adam Maunder
Aw! Happy birthday, Ms. H - you and my late father, so you\'ve got good company. (Glenn Close too, I think?)
- Adam Maunder (12 months ago)
Melanie Ktorides ✨⭐️✨
Happy Birthday to award winning Actress, Glenn Close BOTD 1947. So many memorable movie roles. Photo: Francesco Sca
- Melanie Ktorides ✨⭐️✨ (12 months ago)
Dylan “Dylan” Visvikis
Happy Birthday to the Queen Glenn Close
- Dylan “Dylan” Visvikis (12 months ago)
Alan Bennett Ilagan
Happy birthday to Glenn Close ~
- Alan Bennett Ilagan (12 months ago)
Jennifer Long ☮️
Happy Birthday to Bruce Willis, Jake Weber, Glenn Close, Abby Ross,
- Jennifer Long ☮️ (12 months ago)
Levity Daremore
Happy Birthday to the star of the hottest \"Got Milk\" psa ever, Glenn Close!
- Levity Daremore (12 months ago)
KFDA NewsChannel10
A Happy Birthday to Glenn Close!
- KFDA NewsChannel10 (12 months ago)
Phillip Rhinehardt
Happy birthday Glenn Close
- Phillip Rhinehardt (12 months ago)
HELLO! Canada
Michael Douglas took to Instsagram to wish his former co-star Glenn Close a happy birthday! :
- HELLO! Canada (12 months ago)
Blanche DuBois
Feliz cumpleaños a
Glenn Close Tremenda actriz.
Happy Bday
- Blanche DuBois (12 months ago)
Happy Birthday What do you think is the best role of her career?
- Ranker (12 months ago)
Happy Birthday Which Glenn Close movie is your favorite?
- moviefone (12 months ago)
Happy Birthday Glenn Close
- TCZCFP (12 months ago)
The Sugar Baggy!
Happy Birthday Glenn Close and Bruce Willis!!!! What s a favorite from each?
- The Sugar Baggy! (12 months ago)
Brian Rowe
Happy birthday to the one and only Glenn Close, who I don t need to remind you should have won an Oscar by now
- Brian Rowe (12 months ago)
Charulata Patel
Happy Birthday Glenn Close
- Charulata Patel (12 months ago)
Happy birthday to Glenn Close, who turns 76 today. Close has won numerous awards, including two Screen Actors Guild
- Karen (12 months ago)
minny gairly
Happy birthday For Glenn close
I love you
- minny gairly (12 months ago)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GLENN CLOSE! The three-time Emmy and Tony Award winner is celebrating her 76th birthday today!
- WFLA NEWS (12 months ago) Celebrity News
It\'s Bruce Willis and Glenn Close\'s Birthday Today on March 19.
Bruce Willis turns 68.
Glenn Close turns 76.
- Celebrity News (12 months ago)