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Bruce MacDonald
This broadcast happened Sunday but the on-demand link works! even here in Minnesota. What an interesting, strange i
- Bruce MacDonald (5 months ago)
Tom Siler
Happy Birthday to Glenn Gould, always an inspiration!
- Tom Siler (5 months ago)
Happy Birthday Glenn Gould. Didn\'t realised that two of my favourite artists including Mark Rothko are born on the
- AOI (5 months ago)
Mike Maxwell
Glenn Gould Happy 90 bday. Your music is being enjoyed to this day.
- Mike Maxwell (5 months ago)
Masataka Tanimitsu
Oh, happy Birthday Glenn Gould I think this is so nice recording. I hear his singing \'woof.\'
- Masataka Tanimitsu (5 months ago)
Buzz Chronicles
Hola! There you go! Original message by \"Happy birthday to great pianist and great animal lo
- Buzz Chronicles (5 months ago)
Paul Riches (he/him)
Happy Birthday in Heaven to Glenn Gould, born on this day in 1932. The famous Canadian pianist entranced Mare, who
- Paul Riches (he/him) (5 months ago)
Elijah Hertzog
Happy birthday Shostakovich! And Glenn Glenn Gould too! Two legends of 20th Century music. Listening to my favorite
- Elijah Hertzog (5 months ago)
Happy birthday to my fellow Canadian vaguely autistic Bach enjoyer
- Adrian (5 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Glenn Gould
- Franc (5 months ago)
Happy Birthday, Glenn Gould.
- Ami McKay (5 months ago)
Danny Dingo
Happy 90th birthday, Glenn Gould! I\'ve been listening to his music over the past few months and it\'s actually quite
- Danny Dingo (5 months ago)
WQXR Classical
Happy Birthday, Glenn Gould! Join WQXR & Fran Lebowitz in remembering the celebrated pianist. A fan of Gould, she\'l
- WQXR Classical (5 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Glenn Gould
& to your Benny,
- DavidJSeibert (5 months ago)
Jensen Artists
Happy B-day to Glenn Gould! Commemorating his 90th birthday, will release Glenn Gould: The Goldber
- Jensen Artists (5 months ago)
Fan Them of the Opera
Happy birthday to Glenn Gould and Shostakovich. Here\'s Gould playing some Shostakovich. It\'s shameful to admit this
- Fan Them of the Opera (5 months ago)
That time when I unboxed Glenn Gould\'s Unreleased Goldberg studio sessions album, and then realized *on camera*
- I B (5 months ago)
Ruben Garcia
Happy Birthday Glenn Gould! You have brought so much joy to my life.
- Ruben Garcia (5 months ago)
Laura ⚛️
Happy Birthday Glenn Gould
Born: September 25, 1932, Toronto
- Laura ⚛️ (5 months ago)
aiya | фридерик
Happy birthday to glenn gould i guess
- aiya | фридерик (5 months ago)
aiya | фридерик ☭
Happy birthday to glenn gould i guess
- aiya | фридерик ☭ (5 months ago)
aiya | friederike ☭
Happy birthday to glenn gould i guess
- aiya | friederike ☭ (5 months ago)
aiya | zam day
Happy birthday to glenn gould i guess
- aiya | zam day (5 months ago)
Wolfgang Weichselbaumer
Happy birthday to amazing Glenn Gould! Here he is playing and talking one of his very favorite composers. No, not B
- Wolfgang Weichselbaumer (5 months ago)
pam a
Happy Birthday Glenn Gould Someone who went down the music rabbit hole at an early age though I have no instrumen
- pam a (5 months ago)