33 years old (Born on December 24, 1991)
Soccer player, Musician; He is famous from One Direction.
Louis dislikes cheesy chat up lines & baked beans. (1directioncutefacts.tumblr.com) When his mum was pregnant he asked her:"Do you love the baby in your stomach?", she said"Of course I do", he replied" Then why did you eat her?". (facebook.com) Louis spent his first ever paycheck on adopting a chimpanzee called Larry. (facebook.com) "I'd like to think I'm sexy, but i don't really think I am, I'm not sure there's anything about the way I look."-Louis (1directioncutefacts.tumblr.com) A good sense of humor gets me going. It's all about "the vibe". That's my catchphrase by the way! And I like a girl who keeps me on my toes. Play hard to get, girls! (1directioncutefacts.tumblr.com)Louis Tomlinson's Best Moments
Fun Facts About Louis Tomlinson
Louis used to go to the hospital all the time with his mum to help her look after the babies. (facebook.com)
He likes it when girls wear glasses, fake or not. (facebook.com)
In France with his friend, Louis went up to a lady they thought was French and said something rude, and it turned out she was English. (facebook.com)
He finds girls with strong accents attractive. (facebook.com)
After Louis had watched New moon, he spent the rest of the evening pretending to be Edward Cullen. (facebook.com)
Louis was suspended from school for three days after showing his bum in front of the whole school. (1directioncutefacts.tumblr.com)