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I will always remember Perry\'s pass for that Littlewoods cup goal against Liverpool. Our first trophy afte
- IntrepidGooner (10 months ago)
The Green Bay Armoury
Happy Birthday to number one, number two, number three.... Happy Birthday Perry Groves from all of us at The Gree
- The Green Bay Armoury (10 months ago)
John Gooner
Happy Birthday Perry Groves
- John Gooner (10 months ago)
Ghetto Youth
Happy Birthday, Perry Groves! We all live in a Perry Groves world
- Ghetto Youth (10 months ago)
Detroit Gooner
Happy Birthday Perry Groves!
Number 1 is Perry Groves!
Number 2 is Perry Groves!
Number 3 is Perry Groves!
- Detroit Gooner (10 months ago)
The N5 History
Happy birthday to Perry Groves
Perry Groves helped win the League Championship in 1988/89 and 1990/91.
- The N5 History (10 months ago)
Carole J
We all live in a team of Perry Groves. Happy birthday, Perry. A true Gooner, even when he\'s on TalkRubbish!!
- Carole J (10 months ago)
The Road to Wembley (FA Cup Finals 1923 - 2000)
Happy 56th birthday to former Arsenal player Perry Groves.
Groves never played in an but he did make a
- The Road to Wembley (FA Cup Finals 1923 - 2000) (10 months ago)
Happy Birthday to former Gunner, Perry Groves (04 Sep 86>21 Aug 92 : 203 app\'s - 28 goals, born 1965 in Bow,
- ⒷⓇⒾⒻⒻⒶ (10 months ago)
Happy birthday, Perry Groves!
- Fadzli (10 months ago)
Dave Seager
The two nicest people I met in my football career are both sadly no longer with us, Geordie Armstrong and David Ro
- Dave Seager (10 months ago)
The Arsenal Review
Perry Groves arrived at Arsenal in 1986, and spent 6 years at the club. During his time at the club, he
- The Arsenal Review (10 months ago)
Happy Birthday Perry Groves
- AFC GLEN (10 months ago)
Happy Birthday Arsenal\'s Perry Groves
- Northbankhighbury (10 months ago)
Left winger who made his pro debut for Colchester United in 1982 and played for Arsenal from 1986-1992, winning the Football League First Division twice.