I guess is my birthday buddy, like Jeff Bezos and the late Rush Limbaugh. Happy birthday!
- Mark (1 month ago)
Gerry Callahan
So much unity going on: More than 80 percent of Americans support voter ID laws & compared those people to G
- Gerry Callahan (1 month ago)
The Joe Cozzo Show
Happy Heavenly Birthday to the Godfather of Conservative Talk Radio - Rush Limbaugh.
You fought for democracy by
- The Joe Cozzo Show (1 month ago)
Bill Wills
- Bill Wills (1 month ago)
Kevin Tober
I would like to be the first person on message to wish Rush Limbaugh a happy birthday in Heaven! Miss you Rush!
- Kevin Tober (1 month ago)
Happy Birthday Rush , we miss you so much We Love to Hear Rush Limbaugh Opera by B
- thepn.org (1 month ago)
Linda Marie Lovison
Tomorrow is his birthday!
Happy B\'day, Rush. We miss you!
Rush Limbaugh · Born
January 12, 1951
- Linda Marie Lovison (1 month ago)
Happy Birthday Rush Limbaugh- You are gone but not forgotten
- Alecfrusso (1 month ago)
Happy birthday to Rush Limbaugh s reincarnated spirit, which just found a new era.
- carriepoppy_ebooks (2 months ago)
Benita Ryan
Happy birthday Rush Limbaugh! I think you have done more for America than anyone! I\'m heartbroken
- Benita Ryan (1 month ago)
Happy 70th birthday wishing to Rush Limbaugh,a man who largely influenced my political views.Thank you for learni
- miroperic (1 month ago)
Ken Snyder
My birthday is January 12th. Happy Birthday me. I have the same birthday as Rush Limbaugh (so hard to talk trash
- Ken Snyder (1 month ago)
Wow. So all of these people share a birthday today:
Betty White
James Earl Jones
Michelle Obama
Jim Carrey
- KietChieng (1 month ago)
RSG - Ranel G
Happy Birthday fellow January a baby
You have better people to share York birthday with. All I got i
- RSG - Ranel G (1 month ago)
1450 WILM/1410 WDOV
Happy Birthday, El Rushbo! And It s a Big One
- 1450 WILM/1410 WDOV (1 month ago)
Talk Radio 105.9
RUSH: About 11 months ago didn\'t think I would see my 70th birthday, so for the first time in my life it\'s a big de
- Talk Radio 105.9 (1 month ago)
Alexander Rogge
The Rush Limbaugh 70th Birthday Show:
- Alexander Rogge (1 month ago)
Intelligent Badass
Happy birthday Rush Limbaugh. Prayers are with you at this time
- Intelligent Badass (1 month ago)
NewsRadio WHAM 1180
RUSH: About 11 months ago didn\'t think I would see my 70th birthday, so for the first time in my life it\'s a big de
- NewsRadio WHAM 1180 (1 month ago)
Rodney Leon
Cursed, didn\'t know you shared a DOB with Rush Limbaugh. Someone shared your 70th bday on FB and I to
- Rodney Leon (1 month ago)
Happy Birthday, El Rushbo! And It s a Big One
- wflaorlando (1 month ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Rush Limbaugh celebrated his 74 years old birthday 1 month ago. It might be a bit too late but... Send your greetings to him now!