Welcome to Rush Limbaugh's Birthday Celebration Page
Rush Limbaugh got 485 balloons for his birthday! Gift him more message balloons!
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birthday balloon

NewsRadio 570 WSYR
RUSH: About 11 months ago didn\'t think I would see my 70th birthday, so for the first time in my life it\'s a big de - NewsRadio 570 WSYR (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday, El Rushbo! And It s a Big One - WKCY-AM (1 month ago)
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Talkradio WLAC
RUSH: About 11 months ago didn\'t think I would see my 70th birthday, so for the first time in my life it\'s a big de - Talkradio WLAC (1 month ago)
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105.9 KNRS
Happy Birthday, El Rushbo! And It s a Big One - 105.9 KNRS (1 month ago)
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News Radio 610 WTVN
Happy Birthday, El Rushbo! And It s a Big One - News Radio 610 WTVN (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Remessageing a happy birthday message to Rush Limbaugh shows you\'re even more disgusting than anyone thought. - CAG (1 month ago)
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Jason Ross
Happy birthday Ben, but you ARE just as much of a liar as all the other people you claim to call out. Y - Jason Ross (1 month ago)
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Happy Birthday Rush Limbaugh (belated)...We LOVE YOU !!! - Randy (1 month ago)
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Happy Birthday Rush Limbaugh 1/12/21 - bluebird2tweet (1 month ago)
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Happy Birthday to...Rush Limbaugh...? Time to resign, Teddy. - Meghan8484 (1 month ago)
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Says a lot about Ted that he comes out of hiding to wish Rush Limbaugh Happy Birthday. As ton - Ann (1 month ago)
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Leo Castagnari
What\'s up with Ted and Josh? How do spend their post insurgence days. No messages from Josh si - Leo Castagnari (1 month ago)
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Happy Birthday Rush Limbaugh - Robin (1 month ago)
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Michael Knowles
Happy 70th birthday to the great Rush Limbaugh! - Michael Knowles (1 month ago)
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Laura Wilson Gallery
Wait, you have the same Birthday as Rush Limbaugh? How very cool. Happy Birthday.! - Laura Wilson Gallery (1 month ago)
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Caleb Rhodes
Happy birthday Rush Limbaugh. Praying for your safety and healing. Keep up the great work - Caleb Rhodes (1 month ago)
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Happy 70th Birthday - beatfien (1 month ago)
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Talina Simpson TI
Happy Birthday Rush Limbaugh! - Talina Simpson TI (1 month ago)
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Gary Davis
a very happy birthday to you. One of my granddaughters shares a birthday with you, she turned 13 today. A - Gary Davis (1 month ago)
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Ravi Yande
Happy Birthday to an amazing American hero Rush Limbaugh! God bless him. - Ravi Yande (1 month ago)
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Honolulu Chris
Happy Birthday Rush Limbaugh! - Honolulu Chris (1 month ago)
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Little Girl
Happy Birthday Rush Limbaugh! - Little Girl (1 month ago)
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Marie Jones
Happy Birthday Rush Limbaugh ! - Marie Jones (1 month ago)
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May God Bless & Happy Birthday Rush Limbaugh - Hermie (1 month ago)
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY RUSH LIMBAUGH!!! - Elizabeth48 (1 month ago)
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❤️ TERI ❤️
Happy Happy Birthday Rush Limbaugh - ❤️ TERI ❤️ (1 month ago)
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Cathy Pass
Thank God for giving us Rush Limbaugh. Happy Birthday Rush - Cathy Pass (1 month ago)
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Happy Birthday Rush Limbaugh Prayers Love Gratitude Long Live the Conservative Radio King - M.R.S. (1 month ago)
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Happy Birthday to a real American Hero, Rush Limbaugh. - omashox (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Rush Limbaugh. America is with you forever. May God\'s blessings contin - Sandy (1 month ago)
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Dr. Scott B. Stubblefield, JD
Rush Home - The Rush Limbaugh Show Watch \"You Say It\'s Your Birthday\" on YouTube - Dr. Scott B. Stubblefield, JD (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Lucas Presson
Happy birthday to Cape native Rush Limbaugh. - Lucas Presson (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

TinaMarie Maga❤KAG
To all the Republicans who think that the hundred million plus people who voted for President Donald Trump are goin - TinaMarie Maga❤KAG (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

LOL We actually just got a really good straight news segment about Biden\'s immigration plans, with video of him, - Expat_Matt (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

We like to tune in to Fox News every now and then to see what they re reporting. So, instead of impeachment coverag - sagaoactik (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Yes, Happy Birthday!! It\'s also Rush Limbaugh\'s Birthday, today. That\'s Great!! - CJSAY (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

terri pugh
No way you an Rush Limbaugh share the same Birthday Happy Birthday Kirstie - terri pugh (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday Rush Limbaugh, many prayers are with you - SparkyJeanMarie (1 month ago)
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Chief Wahoo MAGA
In the middle of all this madness, I would like to take a moment to just say, Happy Birthday, Rush Limbaugh! A true - Chief Wahoo MAGA (1 month ago)
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Ti Conard
HAPPY 70th BIRTHDAY Rush Limbaugh . I pray that you may have many more. God bless you and always take care of you! - Ti Conard (1 month ago)
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Happy Birthday to the Great One Rush Limbaugh. - Constitutionalist (1 month ago)
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Right Side Club
Happy Birthday Limbaugh - Right Side Club (1 month ago)
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Happy birthday Rush Limbaugh,,, Pray for you and Kathy every day. - Benek (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday to Rush Limbaugh! - TheRealCharlesWolff (1 month ago)
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EZ Smith
So that\'s why he wasn\'t on. Yes HAPPY BIRTHDAY RUSH LIMBAUGH. GOD SPEED. - EZ Smith (1 month ago)
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Pam Scott
Happy Birthday Rush Limbaugh! We you! - Pam Scott (1 month ago)
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No Longer Despondent Snowflake
What a shame that the fabulous Issa Rae must share her birthday with twins Rush Limbaugh and Kirstie Alley. She des - No Longer Despondent Snowflake (1 month ago)
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Chionophile ❄️
Today, I share a birthday with Kirstie Alley, Rush Limbaugh, and Howard Stern. Happy to hear finally I share a bi - Chionophile ❄️ (1 month ago)
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Rod Blum
Happy Anniversary Rush Limbaugh! The 31st anniversary of your 39th birthday! - Rod Blum (1 month ago)
birthday balloon

Mal Kline
It\"s Rush Limbaugh\'s birthday. If that doesn\'t call for a cigar I don\'t know what the hell does. Happy birthday El - Mal Kline (1 month ago)

74 years old (Born on January 12, 1951)

The Rush Limbaugh Show

Rush Limbaugh's Best Moments

The great Rush Limbaugh would\ve turned 72 years old today.

Happy birthday Rush!
Happy 70th Birthday to the great Rush Limbaugh!
EBL: Happy Birthday Rush Limbaugh
Happy birthday, Rush Limbaugh. We miss you.
Happy 70th Birthday Rush! We love you and we re praying for you.  God Bless Rush Limbaugh and God Bless America.
Happy 67th Birthday to Rush Limbaugh.
Wishing a Very Happy Heavenly 72nd Birthday today to Conservative Talk Radio Legend Rush Limbaugh.
REmessage to wish Rush Limbaugh a Happy Birthday!
Happy Anniversary Rush Limbaugh! The 31st anniversary of your 39th birthday!
Happy Birthday Mr Conservative Rush Limbaugh
Happy Birthday Rush Limbaugh
Happy birthday Rush Limbaugh
What a shame Rush Limbaugh left message!
How else will he see me wish him a happy birthday?
Happy 70th Birthday to Rush Limbaugh!  Here s to many more!
Happy Heavenly Birthday to a modern day Paul Revere, Rush Limbaugh.
Happy Birthday Rush Limbaugh we truly miss you
Happy birthday (in Heaven) Rush Limbaugh!!
I sure do miss you!
Happy birthday to the late Rush Limbaugh!
BREAKING: Alan Alda is still alive (happy birthday!) and Rush Limbaugh is still dead.
In honor of b-day, 5 Great Rush Quotes:  to wish a Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Limbaugh!
Happy Birthday Rush Limbaugh
Happy birthday rush Limbaugh.
Rush limbaugh MAGA -Ditto\s Rush,  Happy Birthday!!!! In Him, Arthur Schaupp
Happy Birthday Rush Limbaugh.
Happy birthday you celebrate the same day as Rush Limbaugh . Strong. Planned well
Happy 70th birthday to 
Rush Limbaugh 
may God bless you
 Happy birthday to you, Rush Limbaugh! I love you! You re amazing!
Happy Birthday Rush Limbaugh!!
TODAY: Happy Birthday Rush Limbaugh
A very happy and blessed birthday to Mr. Rush Limbaugh!
Happy Birthday Limbaugh
Happy birthday to the late Rush Limbaugh, we could use your words of the day right about now.
Happy Birthday Rush Limbaugh!
young rush limbaugh 0
rush limbaugh house 2
Rush Limbaugh full body 3
Rush Limbaugh sexy 4

Gift A Birthday Balloon

e.g.: grumpy cat, poem, Rush, hugs, kiss you, xoxo, smile, friendship, love, Jesus, OMG, beautiful, cute, funny, sexy, gorgeous, dude, biatch, holy shit


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