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Brian Q
Happy 30th birthday to my fiancée from me, Sylvia Plath s ghost and hopefully from too
- Brian Q (4 months ago)
Charity Fox
Happy birthday to me - the Olivetti Lettera 32, used by Philip Roth, Sylvia Plath, Bob Dylan and many more. Now, w
- Charity Fox (2 months ago)
Tyler Galbreth
Happy birthday! I had a goal this year of reading some of the classics so I would choo
- Tyler Galbreth (2 months ago)
Jeannine Hall Gailey
Happy Halloween! Spooky Poems and Spooky Art at Roq La Rue, Midlife Musings on Sylvia Plath\'s Birthday and Why I St
- Jeannine Hall Gailey (3 months ago)
Happy Birthday to the legend Sylvia Plath
- (3 months ago)
Lisa Brown
Happy birthday October 27th to Sylvia Plath.
- Lisa Brown (3 months ago)
Happy belated birthday to my favorite American poet, Sylvia Plath.
- Tori (3 months ago)
Los escorpio son lo mejor en mi vida parte 3 happy bday to sylvia plath
- carla (3 months ago)
Happy belated birthday Sylvia Plath
- boy (3 months ago)
Chanel no.15
The only thing that ever gave me the sane type of comfort as petting my cat while we rest together is reading Sylvi
- Chanel no.15 (3 months ago)
Happy belated bday to one of my favorite poets/authors, Sylvia Plath
- ❣️WE LOVE YOU WONHO❣️ (3 months ago)
Happy belated bday to one of my favorite poets/authors, Sylvia Plath
- s-money (3 months ago)
Happy birthday to the genius whose words saved my life once, the one I go back to whenever life becomes too much. S
- Bidisha is #RedforKashmir (3 months ago)
Imo Wallersteiner
Morning walkies with my guy.
Sylvia Plath s bday today and her words feel fitting... I felt my lungs inflate wit
- Imo Wallersteiner (3 months ago)
Happy 87th birthday to the late, great, Sylvia Plath. If dying is an art, like everything else, you did it exceptionally well. RIP
- AJ (3 months ago)
Happy birthday sylvia plath i ll never forget the look my high school librarian gave me when she found out i was re
- vladimir gluten (3 months ago)
J. Mae Barizo
Hot Damn. Happy Birthday Sylvia Plath
- J. Mae Barizo (3 months ago)
Happy birthday sylvia plath I will see you soon
- s (3 months ago)
who are you
Happy birthday to the baddest bitch: sylvia plath
- who are you (3 months ago)
RC deWinter
Happy Birthday, Sylvia Plath.
Here\'s my romantic 2 cents. Sylvia s Mistake
All women adore a fascist, y
- RC deWinter (3 months ago)
Happy birthday to Sylvia Plath, my favourite poet. even now your words echo through my echo chamber heart. i hope you\'ve found peace
- sinta (3 months ago)
Happy birthday to sylvia plath, an openly depressed woman who spawned a classic from her struggle & deserved so muc
- sop (3 months ago)
Sarah O\'Brien
Happy Birthday Sylvia Plath! Read my poem \"For Sylvia\'s Sake\" here:
- Sarah O\'Brien (3 months ago)
Boorett ... god I hate myself
Happy birthday, Sylvia Plath! I baked something for your special day!
- Boorett ... god I hate myself (3 months ago)
Katherine Dow
I was like so many other sad 16 year old girls who wore out her copy of The Bell Jar . Happy birthday, Sylvia Plath
- Katherine Dow (3 months ago)