Happy Birthday, Sylvia
A lost story by Sylvia Plath by The Economist
- Vianney Running (3 months ago)
Happy birthday to sylvia plath who had the same sun, moon, & rising as me!
- roche (3 months ago)
Should I text my old friend happy birthday to our mutual lord + savior ... Sylvia Plath
- Emma (3 months ago)
Nora | #MONOversary
It\'s already 28th here but happy birthday to the dearest Sylvia Plath! One of the few writers that I identified wit
- Nora | #MONOversary (3 months ago)
Happy birthday to Sylvia Plath, in honor of u I will stare out the window into the dark cold rain and cry for four hours straight tonight
- AL (3 months ago)
Happy bday sylvia plath i luv u
- STREAM CHARLI (3 months ago)
Jack Nicholson’s granddaughter
Happy birthday Sylvia Plath. You are problematic and I still love you deeply. Here are some words from Plath that m
- Jack Nicholson’s granddaughter (3 months ago)
Happy bday to 10/27 legend Sylvia Plath. her poetry hits different. happy bday to everyone ce
- ScorpioMystique (3 months ago)
mortira addams
I m not gonna wish Sylvia Plath a happy birthday because she decided not to show up on my leaving cert x
- mortira addams (3 months ago)
hedgerow devil
\"You feel reality, cold and icy, on your illusions.\"
Happy Birthday, Sylvia Plath.
- hedgerow devil (3 months ago)
Today would\'ve been the 87th birthday of short story author, novelist and poet Sylvia Plath who was born on October
- StevenPostHitchcock (3 months ago)
peculiars magazine
Happy birthday to our main muse, Sylvia Plath! \"I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead, I lift my eyes and
- peculiars magazine (3 months ago)
Among those with whom I share a birthday Theodore Roosevelt, Sylvia Plath, and John Cleese.
Exactly the kind of
- The Birthday Bitch (3 months ago)
del rey✨
Happy birthday Sylvia Plath
- del rey✨ (3 months ago)
Happy birthday to born on this day in 1932.
- BookSoup (3 months ago)
LL cool tay
It has always been rare for me to feel understood in any capacity but when i read The Bell Jar in middle school it
- LL cool tay (3 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Sylvia Plath, everyone go read The Bell Jar.
- Shana (3 months ago)
I am in this picture and I DO like it. Happy Birthday to Sylvia Plath and moi.
- [Kay.Noire] (3 months ago)
undead marie antoinette
Happy birthday, Sylvia Plath! Your influence for me holds no bounds. Below is an excerpt from my poem Let Them Eat
- undead marie antoinette (3 months ago)
There is always a voice inside me. I have been writing since I was 10 years old. Writing is my release.
Happy Birt
- Daphne (3 months ago)
Jaclyn Backhaus
Also: Happy Sylvia Plath s birthday! I m celebrating by reading some poems and also coincidentally seeing a show wi
- Jaclyn Backhaus (3 months ago)
Fiona Ufton
And happy 87th birthday to the amazing Sylvia Plath...
- Fiona Ufton (3 months ago)