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Shawn Lucero
Happy birthday Wilford Brimley who was same age as I am now in this screenshot from 1985 s Cocoon.
- Shawn Lucero (5 months ago)
Ernest Hayes
Huge Happy Heavenly Birthday to the Legend Wilford Brimley xxx
Here is me in my RARE T shirt of Dr Blair I had such
- Ernest Hayes (5 months ago)
Joseph Devine
Happy Birthday to the late, great Wilford Brimley
Born on September 27th, 1934
- Joseph Devine (5 months ago)
Around the Ghoulaxy | ATGcast
Happy birthday to the late Wilford Brimley, seen here telling Wicket the Ewok about the merits of Quaker Oats.
- Around the Ghoulaxy | ATGcast (5 months ago)
Around the Galaxy | ATGcast
Happy birthday to the late Wilford Brimley, seen here telling Wicket the Ewok about the merits of Quaker Oats.
- Around the Galaxy | ATGcast (5 months ago)
Owen Good
Happy Birthday to Mike Schmidt, Wilford Brimley, Lil Wayne, Steve Kerr, Dick Schaap, myself, and most importantly,
- Owen Good (5 months ago)
Dan Dudych #Scarifcon2023
Happy birthday to the late Wilford Brimley! Sadly, he passed away just over 2 years ago, but he lives on in films s
- Dan Dudych #Scarifcon2023 (5 months ago)
Mike Mazda
Happy Birthday to
Randy Bachman
Gwyneth Paltrow
Steve Kerr
The late great Wilford Brimley
- Mike Mazda (5 months ago)
Peter North
Happy birthday to the late Wilford Brimley
- Peter North (5 months ago)
Nicole Grant
Happy Birthday Avril Lavigne, Anna Camp, Lola Kirke, Carrie Brownstein, Wilford Brimley, Arielle Vandenberg, Jenna
- Nicole Grant (5 months ago)
Carmi American Legion Baseball
Day 1,441
Happy Birthday to the late Mr. Wilford Brimley. Please follow us
- Carmi American Legion Baseball (5 months ago)
Thomas Morgan
Happy birthday! Just in case you need any cheering up, here s Wilford Brimley at 49.
- Thomas Morgan (4 months ago)
Milton Lawson
Happy birthday to the legend, Wilford Brimley.
His performance as Pop Fisher in \"The Natural\" is an all-time fave,
- Milton Lawson (5 months ago)
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to Gwyneth Paltrow, Meat Loaf, Marc Maron, Tamara Taylor, Indira Varma, Carrie Brownstein, and Wilfo
- Happy Birthday (5 months ago)
Humanoids From The Deep Dive
Happy Birthday to Wilford Brimley, who would have been 87 today. Spend some time with the fellows in Outpost 31 tod
- Humanoids From The Deep Dive (5 months ago)
Mrs. Anne
Happy Birthday Anthony Wilford Brimley (* 27. September 1934 in Salt Lake City, Utah; 1. August 2020 in St. Georg
- Mrs. Anne (5 months ago)
Happy 87th birthday, Wilford Brimley, who seemed to be in every movie in the 1980\'s.
- ThePeerless (5 months ago)
Sept 27 Natl Chocolate Milk Day The Mayans worshipped a god of cocoa. This chocolatey goodness can be traced back
- jparsio (5 months ago)
Classic Movie Rev
Happy Birthday to Wilford Brimley born 9/27/1934
- Classic Movie Rev (5 months ago)
Robert Blank
Happy birthday. And man...looking pretty good for being Wilford Brimley years old I gots ta say.
- Robert Blank (4 months ago)
Happy birthday to the late Wilford Brimley
- randall (5 months ago)
\"Hopefully, generations after us will continue to and look after this land.\"
- ThisMonth (5 months ago)
Happy Birthday to the late Wilford Brimley!!!
- Tony (5 months ago)
Did You Hear About the Morgans? (2009)
- Spacereporternews (5 months ago)
Jamie Gambell
Happy birthday, Wilford Brimley! Am I doing this right?
- Jamie Gambell (5 months ago)
Groovy History
Happy Birthday to the late Wilford Brimley who was born today in 1934. He passed away August 1 of this year.
- Groovy History (5 months ago) Original Movie Posters for Sale
Happy Birthday, Wilford Brimley!
- Original Movie Posters for Sale (5 months ago)
Happy birthday, Wilford Brimley. Would have been 86 years old today.
- Anthony (5 months ago)
Mike Spector
Bullshit! Wilford Brimley was 125 when he starred in Cocoon.
Happy birthday.
- Mike Spector (5 months ago)
I couldn\'t believe when I found out Wilford Brimley\'s age in Cocoon. I thought he was 80 THEN. WTF?
Happy birthday!
Maukita - B L M
Happy birthday! May you live beyond the age we always assumed Wilford Brimley was (I always though Ou
- Maukita - B L M (5 months ago)
Carol Dichtenberg
Wilford Brimley looked like he was 80 when he was 50 and you can easily pass for 45. Don t compare yo
- Carol Dichtenberg (5 months ago)
Gaj Jung
Happy birthday and welcome to the club (turned 5 Oh this past April). Keep in mind that we are the s
- Gaj Jung (5 months ago)
Count Orlok
In 4 days this wonderful actor was born September 27th 1934 r.i.p Anthony Wilford Brimley and happy birthday
- Count Orlok (5 months ago)
Gidgit VonLaRue
Happy Retro Cinema Podcast birthday to the wonderful Wilford Brimley!
85 and still awesome!
- Gidgit VonLaRue (5 months ago)
Vox Populi
Happy (Belated) 85th Birthday wishes to Mr. Wilford Brimley! ( Star of such fantastic films like \'The
- Vox Populi (5 months ago)
Teewhy Nyema
Happy Birthday to Paul Reichmann (d. 2013), Freddy Quinn, Geoff Bent (d. 1958), Michael Colvin (d. 2000), Gabriel L
- Teewhy Nyema (5 months ago)
Meredith Towbin
Happy birthday!! I only knew that Wilford Brimley and I were birthday twins. Now we re all triplets!
- Meredith Towbin (5 months ago)
Happy birthday to Samuel Adams, Meat Loaf, Steve Kerr, REM s Monster , Mike Schmidt, Gwyneth Paltrow, Simona Halep
- raistrick (5 months ago)